Put a Sock in it

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Seafoam Scarf

Posted by Ali G on Tuesday, 20 February, 2007

This is the picture and pattern (posted together for convenience) of my previously blogged-about scarf.

Seafoam ScarfSeafoam Scarf

Pattern is worked over a multiple of 10 sts + 10.

Yarn: 260m (284 yards) of 100% Merino from Painted Yarns, sadly, no longer available.
Finished size: Width is around 6.5″ (16.5cm). Length is 58″ (147cm)
Tension for yarn substitution: 20 sts in stocking stitch on 4.5mm (U.S. #7) needles

CO 30 stitches.

Rows 1 & 2: K
Row 3: K8, (YO, K1, YO twice, K1, YO three times, K1, YO twice, K1, YO, K6) twice, K2
Row 4: K the stitches, dropping the YOs
Rows 5 & 6: K
Row 7: K3, (YO, K1, YO twice, K1, YO three times, K1, YO twice, K1, YO, K6) three times, ending last repetition with K3 instead of K6
Row 8: Repeat row 4

Repeat rows 1-8 until desired length is achieved, or you’re about to run out of yarn, ending with a row 6.
Chart (click to enlarge):
Seafoam Chart

Copyright © Ali Green February 2007
Available from:
Permission is given to freely share this pattern in unmodified form, provided no profits are made from its distribution.

25 Responses to “Seafoam Scarf”

  1. dailystitches said

    Nicely done! I love the colors you chose for this pattern.

  2. pippi said

    OH! That scarf is making my heart pitter-patter!!!
    Beautiful work!

  3. Alissa said

    Lovely scarf! Do you ever watch DIY’s Knitty Gritty? Yesterday’s episode was on this stitch, which they referred to as the butterfly stitch. It looks beautiful when it’s done, and it doesn’t seem too difficult. I can’t wait to try it! Your color selection is wonderful.

  4. preeety said

    Love this, will definitely try…
    okay i need to know and have no idea where to find, so ill ask: where do you get these percentage bars?

  5. Thanks!
    I’ve not seen Knitty Gritty, and didn’t know it was called butterfly stitch, but it is indeed simple to work.

    okay i need to know and have no idea where to find, so ill ask: where do you get these percentage bars?

    I’ve finally got around to putting the credit directly below the bars on the RHS.

  6. Lindsey said

    Glad to hear you’re at least feeling well enough to knit. I hope yuou continue to mend & all goes well at the dentist. The scarf looks great, and thanks for sharing the pattern!

  7. Kristy said

    Lovely, thanks for sharing the pattern. Did you use the whole 284 yards of yarn?

  8. I’ve just joined my first International scarf swop – and your pattern has leapt out at me -it’s lovely! Is that DK or aran weight yarn then?

  9. Thank you.

    I used all but a couple of yards of the yarn to get that length. The measurements and photo are of the unblocked scarf—I still haven’t got around to the blocking part…! 😳

    The yarn is aran/worsted, and is actually very drapey for the weight.

    If anyone does knit this, I’d love a piccie of the finished piece.

  10. hpny knits said

    thanks for sharing! its lovely!!

  11. […] there’s the small matter of my having finished the Seafoam Scarf. Pattern is here. Yay! Yes I know, it’s not quite done yet because it really needs to be blocked, but […]

  12. Maria said

    I love the pattern ill try making the same pattern in a wrap with artyarn. im sure its going to be as lovely as yours.tks for sharing

  13. […] Tweed Socks Seafoam Scarf Wheat Stalkings […]

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  15. […] Posts Seafoam ScarfWheat StalkingsHarris Tweed SocksMore Socks Started, & a String Bag FinishedFO: Bias […]

  16. Great scarf. I am using it for holiday presents. I used 2 skeins of Red Heart’s variegated regular ply yarn and added a fringe on each end. Everyone loved it and they all want one.

  17. Lin said

    Thank you for this pattern, I am knitting it now! 😉

  18. emcenroe said

    so pretty! i am going to attempt this next!

  19. Lora said

    Great pattern!!! I just posted pictures on my blog of the one that I made using Koigu Sock Yarn. It turned out stunning! Thanks for the pattern!

  20. Sarah from Mt View said

    Very pretty!

  21. gudrun said

    Hello, thank you for this pattern, i´ve knitted the scarf yesterday and today, using own handspun yarn .
    be free to visit my blog.
    greetings gudrun

  22. […] is the Seafoam Scarf by Ali Green. I think I can still see the stitch pattern, even with the color […]

  23. […] finish knitting my scarf in the seafoam pattern […]

  24. Ina said

    Thanks for this Tutorial, I’am a beginner with knitting and try to knit this shawl for my mother to christmas. And what should I say, I love this tutorial, I’ve done it and my mother love the shawl. You can see pictures of my shawl in my blog.

    Greetings Ina

  25. […] Pattern February 6, 2010 Tags: knittingOriginal wavy textured scarfGet the free scarf pattern here: linkNo related posts.Related posts brought to you by Yet Another Related Posts Plugin. Filed under: […]

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