Pam wrote:
I am a beginner to intermediate knitter and have no problem following directions. But when knitting the yarn overs at each of the markers they are all leaning to the left. Are they supposed to all be leaning to the left or are some supposed to lean to the right? The instructions do not identify left or right yarn overs and at which markers. It is a beautiful tunic and I would love to make it right.
31.07.2024 - 16:02DROPS Design answered:
Dear Pam, the increases worked on the yoke for the straps are worked with yarn overs worked twisted on next row, the way they are leaning to will not be visible due to the garter stitch so that it's not that important, but feel free to adjust the way you work the yarn overs if you rather get them mirrored. Happy knitting!
01.08.2024 - 08:32
Karen wrote:
Bonjour, Je suis a tricoter les aug. à 14 cm. Tricoter les augmentations en jersey jusqu'à ce qu'elles puissent être intégrées à un motif complet de M.1 J'ai de la difficulté à intégrer le motif avec les aug. Comment dois-je procéder ? Merci beaucoup.
11.03.2021 - 02:50DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Karen, lorsque vous augmentez sur les côtés, vous allez élargir le motif sur les mailles du devant et du dos (le motif ne tombe pas juste en largeur tout le tour), autrement dit, au début du dos/devant, tricotez les augmentations comme un nouveau motif en lisant le diagramme de gauche à droite, à la fin du devant/dos, tricotez les augmentations comme un nouveau motif, de droite à gauche, - veillez à toujours bien avoir 8 mailles (1er et 3ème rang du motif ajouré) / 9 mailles (2ème rang du motif ajouré) entre chaque nouveau motif, comme avant. Bon tricot!
11.03.2021 - 08:24
Manon wrote:
Bonjour, je suis à rabattre pour les bretelles. Tricoter ensuite le tour suivant ainsi : rabattre SOUPLEMENT les 75-79-84-88-93-97 premières mailles pour la bretelle. Quelle est la première maille à rabattre, la maille avec le marqueur ou la maille suivante? Je ne suis pas sûr de savoir où commencer à rabattre. Merci
02.02.2021 - 01:30DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Manon, le tour commence comme précédemment, autrement dit, la première des mailles à rabattre pour la première bretelle, c'est la première maille du tour (= tricotez les 2 premières mailles, rabattez la 1ère par-dessus la 2ème, et ainsi de suite). Bon tricot!
02.02.2021 - 10:41
Sue wrote:
Good Morning..I am the part where I start M1..I have taken it aprt 3 times now.Could you please explain how M1 is done. No need to explain the completed knitted rows just the eyelet part.Thank-you so much for answering my question again.Have an awesome day !
05.05.2020 - 16:44DROPS Design answered:
Dear Sue, this lesson explains how to read knitting diagram, eg, on row 3, you will work: *knit 6, Knit 2 tog, yarn over, knit 2* and repeat from *-*. You should always have 10 sts in each M.1, make sure to add markers between repeats so that you can always check number of sts (depending on your size you will have to work some sts in stocking sts on the sides or M.1 in the round). Happy knitting!
05.05.2020 - 17:02
Sue wrote:
Toni I am confused from at the beginning where it says to start a YO.Do I YO then purl or do I purl then YO.The same as when I get to the markers,is it YO then purl last stitch or purl the last stitch then YO.Same for when I pass the marker.Thank-you for your help.
13.04.2020 - 19:50DROPS Design answered:
Dear Sue, you will increase on each side of each of the 4 stitches with a marker, on the increase round, start with 1 yarn over before first stitch, then work to the next stitch with a marker and work (YO, Purl the stitch with the marker, YO), repeat these at each marker and finish with YO, Purl the last stitch = you have now 8 yarn overs on the needle = 1 yarn over on each side of each stitch with a marker. Happy knitting!
14.04.2020 - 13:21
Toni wrote:
Your patterns are anything except easy to understand. I am an intermediate knitter. I’ve made personalized dolls, pleated skirts, shrugs, socks, sweater coats, as well as crochet items, and I can not follow your simplest knit patterns. I was excited about trying this one and I can’t even read through the pattern without getting confused. Any chance you have this as a tutorial on video? Please help me. Your patterns are so cute but not if I can’t duplicate them.
21.03.2020 - 08:27DROPS Design answered:
Dear Toni, can you please tell us more? Which part of the pattern you don't understand for example, so that we can try to help you.
23.03.2020 - 09:13
Akou wrote:
Bonjour Est il possible de tricoter ce modèle avec des aiguilles droites ? Si oui pouvez vous me dire comment adapter les explications. Merci
06.03.2020 - 09:45DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Akou, vous trouverez ici comment adapter un modèle sur aiguilles droites, n'hésitez pas à vous adresser à votre magasin pour toute assistance complémentaire. Bon tricot!
06.03.2020 - 10:10
Iwona wrote:
Czy funkcja TWOJE ULUBIONE WZORY nie działa ?
28.07.2019 - 19:04DROPS Design answered:
Witam! Funkcja ulubione wzory już działa, proszę sprawdzić. Pozdrawiamy!
01.08.2019 - 12:45
Iwona wrote:
Czy funkcja TWOJE ULUBIONE WZORY nie działa ?
16.07.2019 - 14:02DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Iwono! Sprawdziłam osobiście i nie działa. Już to sprawdzamy. Chwilkę to może potrwać ze względu na urlopy. Zobacz za kilka dni na stronie, a jak dalej nie będzie działać, przypomnij się. Pozdrawiamy!
17.07.2019 - 16:40
Carmen wrote:
168 maschen anschl. 4 mark. 1 mark. 45m. 2 mark. 84 m. 3 mark. 129 m. 4.mark. In die letzte m. Zwischen 1. U. 2.mark. 38 m vorderteil. Zwuschen 3. U. 4 mark. 38 = rueckteil m. Zwischen 2. U 3.mark. Und zwischen der 4. U. 1 mark. 43 =, traeger ich verstehe nicht wie ich die markierungen anbringen muss
26.05.2019 - 14:04DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Carmen, so sollen die 168 M aussehen: Erste Masche = 44 M (träger), 1 M mit 1. Mark, 38 M (=Vorderteil), 1 M mit 2. Mark, 44 M (= träger), 1 M mit 3. Mark, 39 M (= Rückenteil), 1 M mit 4. Mark, es sind jetzt: 44+1+38+1+44+1+38+1=168 M. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
27.05.2019 - 11:10
Prudence |
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Knitted DROPS tunic in garter st and with lace pattern, worked top down in ”Muskat”. Size: S - XXXL.
DROPS 138-2 |
GARTER ST (in the round on circular needle): * K 1 round and P 1 round *, repeat from *-*. PATTERN: See diagram M.1 – the diagram shows 1 repetition of the pattern. DECREASE TIP (applies to side dec): Dec as follows when 2 sts remain before marker: K 2 tog. Dec as follows after marker: K 2 twisted tog (i.e. work in back loop of st instead of front). INCREASE TIP (applies to side inc): Work until 1 st remains before marker, make 1 YO, work 2 sts and make 1 YO. On next round K YOs twisted to avoid holes (i.e. work in back loop of st instead of front). Work inc sts in stockinette st until they can be worked in one whole repetition of diagram M.1. -------------------------------------------------------- TUNIC: Worked in the round, top down. The garment is the same depth around the neck both on back and front piece. Cast on 150-162-168-180-194-198 sts on circular needle size 3 mm / US 2or3 with Muskat. Insert 4 markers in the corner sts as follows: 1st marker in the 40th-44th-45th-49th-54th-54th st, 2nd marker in the 75th-81st-84th-90th-97th-99th st, 3rd marker in the 115th-125th-129th-139th-151st-153rd st and 4th marker in the last st, (sts between 1st and 2nd marker (34-36-38-40-42-44 sts) = front piece, sts between 3rd and 4th marker (34-36-38-40-42-44 sts) = back piece and sts between 2nd and 3rd marker and between 4th and 1st marker (39-43-44-48-53-53 sts) = straps). READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING SECTION BEFORE CONTINUING! Work in GARTER ST in the round - see explanation above (NOTE: 1st round = P) - AT THE SAME TIME on 1st round, inc 1 st by making 1 YO on each side of the 4 sts with markers (= 8 inc) – NOTE: Round beg by making 1 YO which will be the inc on one side of the last marker, the other YO at this marker is made at the end of round when only 1 st remains (= corner st with marker). This is done to make the transitions between rounds in the middle of a corner. On next round K YOs twisted (i.e. work in back loop of st instead of front) to avoid holes. Repeat inc every other round a total of 18-18-20-20-20-22 times = 294-306-328-340-354-374 sts. K 1 round after last inc. REMEMBER THE GAUGE! Work next round as follows: LOOSELY bind off the first 75-79-84-88-93-97 sts for strap - bind off with P, P the next 72-74-80-82-84-90 sts (= front piece, the first of these sts is already on the right needle), LOOSELY bind off the next 75-79-84-88-93-97 sts for strap - bind off with P and P the last 72-74-80-82-84-90 sts (= back piece, the first of these sts is already on the right needle). Work next round as follows: Cast on 14-20-24-30-38-44 new sts (= under sleeve, insert a marker in the middle of these), K 72-74-80-82-84-90 sts, cast on 14-20-24-30-38-44 new sts (= under the other sleeve, insert a marker in the middle of these) and K 72-74-80-82-84-90 sts = 172-188-208-224-244-268 sts. Remove the 4 corner markers. NOW MEASURE PIECE FROM HERE! K until first marker (i.e. 7-10-12-15-19-22 sts) – now round beg here. Continue in garter st in the round – AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 4 cm / 1½", dec 1 st on each side of markers in the sides - READ DECREASE TIP! Repeat dec when piece measures 8 cm / 3⅛" = 164-180-200-216-236-260 sts. When piece measures 11 cm / 4½", switch to circular needle size 3.5 mm / US 4. Continue to work as follows: 1-0-0-4-4-0 sts in stockinette st, diagram M.1 over 80-90-100-100-110-130 sts, 2-0-0-8-8-0 sts in stockinette st, diagram M.1 over 80-90-100-100-110-130 sts and 1-0-0-4-4-0 sts in stockinette st. When piece measures 14 cm / 5½" (from armhole incl rounds in garter st), inc 1 st on each side of markers in each side - READ INCREASE TIP! Repeat inc every 2½ cm / ⅞" a total of 14 times = 220-236-256-272-292-316 sts. When piece measures approx. 51-52-53-54-55-56 cm / 20"-20½"-21"-21¼"-21⅝"-22" from armhole - stop after 1 full repetition of diagram M.1 – switch to circular needle size 3 mm / US 2or3. Work in garter st in the round for 2 cm / ¾", then LOOSELY bind off; use circular needle 3.5 mm/US 4 for bind off - it is very important that the bind off edge is not too tight. |
Diagram explanations |
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