Chevron Blocks Beanie Pattern

Chevron Blocks Hat


2 or 3 colors of worsted weight yarn (this pattern works very well with scraps. I used some scraps of brown wool and Noro Silk Garden)

Size 6 16″ circular needles or set of double pointed needles

Size 8 16″ circular needles

Size 8 set of double pointed needles

(Note: When I made my hat, I did not use the smaller needles for the brim and it turned out a little loose so edited the pattern according to past experience making hats and reading other hat patterns.)


I don’t really do gauge. I know, it’s not a good habit, but if you make a lot of hats you can kind of just tell. Plus, the cheap brand of needles I’m using tend to knit a little tighter than I’m used to on my regular bamboo circulars.


One-size fits most adults


With smaller needles, cast on 88 stitches of Color 1.

Work in K2, P2 for 1 inch.

Change to bigger needles.

Work in stockinette stitch until piece for 2 inches.

Work chevron pattern according to chart. You will repeat the chart 8 times in one round.

Strand yarn behind work loosely (do not yarn).

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Cut Color 1, leaving 2 inch tail.

Work in stockinette stitch in Color 2 for 2 inches (measured from last row of chart). Piece should measure about 5 inches.

Repeat chart again. If using 2 colors, switch back to Color 1. If using 3 colors, switch to Color 3.

Cut Color 2, leaving 2 inch tail.

Knit 2 rounds in Color 2/3.

Decrease pattern:

Round 1: Repeat *K4, K2T, K5*.

Round 2: Knit

Round 3: Repeat *K3, K2T, K5*

Round 4: Knit

Round 5: Repeat *K2, K2T, K5*

Round 6: Repeat *K1, K2T, K5*

Round 7: Repeat *K2T, K5* until last 6 st, K2T K4 last time

Beginning of Round 8 will start on the last stitch of last round Round 7 (i.e., knit together last stitch of Round 7 and first stitch of Round 8.)

Round 8: Repeat *K2T, K3*

Round 9: Repeat *K2T, K2*

Round 10: Repeat *K2T, K1*

Round 11: K2T until end of round

Cut yarn and pass tail through stitches, closing hole.

Weave in loose ends.

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