Charity · Patterns

My Whole Heart

One day I knit a heart. I thought about its meaning and decided that it is such a universal symbol that attaching any kind of story or emotion would be limiting. So, dear knitters, you decide what it means to you.

Since I don’t like sewing pieces together that much, it’s made in one piece that doesn’t require any sewing at all.  It starts as a toe-up sock, and ends as two little hats. The photo tutorial below is showing basic steps. First, you divide the top in two halves.

Then shape one half.

Then stuff the heart up to the live stitches level, filling the finished top. To preserve a pointy tip, fill the bottom part lightly.

After that, finish the second half the same as first and stuffing it just before closing the top.

Materials: Stitch Nation Full o’Sheep 100% Peruvian wool, in Poppy colourway, or any aran or worsted weight yarn, 30-35 m (33-38.5 yrds), 4 mm (US#6) double-pointed needles, stuffing, scrap yarn, tapestry needle.

: 21 sts and 28 rnds over 10 cm (4″)  in stockinette st. Gauge is not crucial for this project, just make sure your fabric is dense enough for stuffing.

13 x 11.5 cm (5″ x  4.5″)

k = knit
kfb = knit a stitch through the front and back loops which results in two sts on the right-hand needle
ssk= slip, slip, knit. Slip one stitch knitwise, slip second stitch knitwise, transfer them back onto the left-hand needle and knit them together
k2tog = knit two stitches together
sts = stitches

Cast on 4 sts using Judy’s Magic cast on, 2 sts on each needle.

Rnd 1: Knit.
Rnd 2: Kfb. (8 sts)
Rnd 3: (K1, kfb, kfb, k1) 2 times. (12 sts)

Distribute sts to three double-pointed needles as follows: 6-3-3.

Rnd 4: (K1, kfb, k2, kfb, k1) 2 times. (16 sts)
Rnd 5: (K1, kfb, k4, kfb, k1) 2 times. (20 sts)
Rnd 6: (K1, kfb, k6, kfb, k1) 2 times. (24 sts)
Rnd 7: (K1, kfb, k8, kfb, k1) 2 times. (28 sts)
Rnd 8: (K1, kfb, k10, kfb, k1) 2 times. (32 sts)
Rnd 9: (K1, kfb, k12, kfb, k1) 2 times. (36 sts)
Rnd 10: (K1, kfb, k14, kfb, k1) 2 times. (40 sts)
Rnd 11: Knit.
Rnd 12: (K1, kfb, k16, kfb, k1) 2 times. (44 sts)
Rnd 13: Knit.
Rnd 14: (K1, kfb, k18, kfb, k1) 2 times. (48 sts)
Rnd 15: Knit.
Rnd 16: (K1, kfb, k20, kfb, k1) 2 times. (52 sts)
Rnd 17: Knit.
Rnd 18: (K1, kfb, k22, kfb, k1) 2 times. (56 sts)
Rnd 19: Knit.
Rnd 20: (K1, kfb, k24, kfb, k1) 2 times. (60 sts)

Rnds 21-27: Knit.

Rnd 28: (K1, ssk, k24, k2tog, k1) 2 times.  (56 sts)
Rnds 29-30: Knit.
Rnd 31: (K1, ssk, k22, k2tog, k1) 2 times.  (52 sts)

Put sts 14-26 on the first needle (13 sts) and all stitches on the second needle (13 sts) on scrap yarn, dividing the top of the heart in two parts, 26 sts each. Redistribute remaining sts to 3 double-pointed needles as follows: 9-8-9.

Rnd 32: (K1, ssk, k20, k2tog, K1). (24 sts)
Rnd 33: (K2, k2tog) 6 times. (18 sts)
Rnd 34: Knit.
Rnd 35: (K1, k2tog) 6 times. (12 sts)
Rnd 36: K2tog 6 times. (6 sts)

Cut yarn, leaving a 15 cm (6″) tail. Using tapestry needle, thread tail through remaining sts and pull tight. Weave in ends. Stuff the heart up to the live stitches level, filling the finished top.

Pick up 26 sts from the scrap yarn, distribute to 3 double-pointed needles as follows: 9-8-9, starting from the outer edge and join yarn. Repeat staring from Rnd 32, adding more filling as you go. Secure yarn and use the tail to close the gap in the middle. Weave in ends.

So, what does it look like? Love? Compassion? Friendship? Memories?

You decide. Wholeheartedly.

24 thoughts on “My Whole Heart

  1. Love the pattern, thank you. I dislike dpn, and do most of my work with magic loop. If I remove the stitches required, the working yarn ends up in the middle of the saved piece. How do I adjust for that? I’ve only been knitting a year, so haven’t acquired a lot of adaptation skills, yet.

  2. I love this pattern. I do not like sewing either, this is perfect and so adorable. Thank you for sharing!

  3. SUGGESTION:I wish you guys that offer these free patterns wld have a download button so when we print it ALL the comments don’t print and waste ALL our paper.

    1. Hi,

      There is a highlighted green link that says “As always, you can download a printable pattern in .pdf format.” It’s right above the pattern text.


  4. Lovely pattern but my finished article doesn’t look like a heart at all, do I need to do something different with the shaping if I am using two circular needles? Everything’s ok until I reach the top 😔 it’s kind of flat and doesn’t dip in the middle, do you know what I’ve done wrong?

  5. This heart was quite fun to make. I am making it for my DGD’s 11th birthday. To make it even more fun I am adding arms and legs, a face and some hair. She and the family moved away from me and now I can only send things to make her happy. I know she will love it. Thank you so much for the great pattern.

  6. i dont even know whats magic loop but i did it on circular needle i hve te boye interchangeble needles
    if i want to make the heart smaller do i just use smeller needle or how would i change the pattern? same question if i want the heart pillow size? i want to make small valentines day hearts but a big heart pillow for myself

    1. Yes, to change the size I would recommend using different needles and yarn weight. Someone made a pillow size heart, here are her Ravelry notes Just in case you are not on Ravelry, that’s what it says:

      “I wanted a decent-sized pillow, so I continued the increases after row 20 until I reached:
      {k1, kfb, k30, kfb, k1} 2 times … 72 sts.

      Knit 12 rounds (pattern calls for 7 rounds).

      Decrease at the sides, 3 times (pattern decreases twice).

      Divide lobes and decrease on both sides of each lobe twice (pattern decreases once). Follow pattern as written from round 33.”

      It’s done with 8mm (size 11) needles and 5 strands of light fingering weight yarn — you can see what yarn weight (or number of strands) works for you with those needles.

      Hope it helps! 🙂

  7. Hello 🙂
    I’ve just finished to knit a beautiful heart using your pattern, and some friends of mine on a forum about knitting want to knit it too ! Unfortunately, English is not their favorite language… So I was wondering if I could translate it in French, and sending you the file ?
    Have a nice day !

  8. I love this! Can you help with how I could do this in two parts to then sew as I struggle with double ended needles? Many thanks x

    1. Thanks! The trick is in the proportions… so I would suggest to swatch and see if you have the same gauge (and ratio of sts and rounds). And then you could try to double each shaping section until you have twice the stitch count for each. So, you would increase 4 sts in each round untill you have 80 instead of 40 sts, and then 4 sts every other round until you have 120 insted of 60 sts. However, without knitting it myself, I can’t guarantee the the shape will be exactly the same. You could try and then come back and let us know if it worked. Good luck!

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