Heidi wrote:
När jag ska dela upp oket för ärmar står det att man ska lägga upp 8 maskor, men när jag ska sticka ärmarna så ska jag bara plocka upp 5 maskor? Hur menas då?
28.11.2024 - 22:06DROPS Design answered:
Hej Heidi, i den mindste størrelse slår du 8 masker op under ærmet. Når du strikker masker op til ærme starter du midt i de 8 masker, strikker 4 masker op sætter maskerne fra tråden på pinden og strikker de sidste 4 masker op. Nu er du midt under ærmet igen :)
29.11.2024 - 11:26Civario Marie wrote:
Une association Flora +kid silk correspond à une laine Dk light? Aiguilles : 3 et 4 Possible ?
30.09.2024 - 11:23DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Civario, retrouvez un exemple de Flora + Kid-Silk - nous sommes sur un échantillon de 17-16 mailles - mais si vous préférez une texture plus épaisse, plus ferme, vous pouvez essayer des aiguilles plus fines. L'échantillon est votre allié pour trouver la taille des aiguilles / la tension qui vous correspond. Bon tricot!
30.09.2024 - 15:53Rosa wrote:
Czy mogę prosić ten piękny wzór w wersji dla rozmiaru XS?
15.08.2024 - 01:36DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Roso, niestety nie jesteśmy w stanie zmodyfikować każdego wzoru do indywidualnych potrzeb każdego klienta. Radzę w wyszukiwarce swetrów na głównej stronie odfiltrować swetry wg rozmiaru, swetrów rozpinanych będzie 158, może uda się Pani coś wybrać dla siebie. Jeśli nie, proszę skontaktować się ze sklepem, w którym kupuje Pani włóczkę DROPS, tam powinna Pani uzyskać pomoc. Swoją drogą zgłoszę prośbę o rozszerzenie rozmiarówki. Pozdrawiamy!
15.08.2024 - 15:45Petit Lieve wrote:
Geachte, graag in cm de afmetingen voor small: borstomtrek, armomtrek, lengte rug en voorpanden, lengte mouwen. Hoeveel positive ease voorziet u? Alvast bedankt!
08.08.2024 - 20:17DROPS Design answered:
Dag Lieve,
Onderaan het patroon vindt je een maattekening waarin de afmetingen van het vest staan voor iedere maat.
09.08.2024 - 12:19Mohammad Nawaz Jahaly wrote:
Any shop selling Men Avalanche products
06.07.2024 - 16:35Verez wrote:
Bonjour, pour la Taille XL je doit tricoter 24 F A2A et combien que je doit tricoté A2B ( que sur 14 mailles ? merci
27.05.2024 - 17:12DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Verez, A.2B permet de "terminer" le motifs autrement dit vous tricotez: 7 m point mousse, 24 fois les 14 mailles de A.2A, il reste 17 mailles, vous tricotez alors les 10 mailles de A.2B et 7 m point mousse (sur l'envers, tricotez A.2B et répétez A.2A en lisant les diagrammes de gauche à droite); le motif est ainsi symétrique de chaque côté. Bon tricot!
28.05.2024 - 07:45Marie wrote:
Bonjour.pouvez vous me dire si sur le diagramme aparait les rangs envers ??
21.05.2024 - 14:47DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Marie, tout à fait, tous les rangs sont représentés dans le diagramme, ceux sur l'endroit (qu'on va lire de droite à gauche) et ceux sur l'envers (qu'on va lire de gauche à droite). Bon tricot!
21.05.2024 - 16:02Hanne Jespersen wrote:
Hej Jeg kan slet ikke få A1 til at passe. Jeg har prøvet om og om igen. Den lille snoning kommer slet ikke til at ligne billedet, hvor det jo nærmest bare ligner retmasker, der danner V-er. Jeg håber meget, at I kan hjælpe mig. Venlig hilsen Hanne
26.03.2024 - 04:30DROPS Design answered:
Hej Hanne, prøv at kun strikke de 8 masker i A.1, du flytter helt enkelt bare retmasken (ifølge symbolforklaringen). Du starter nederst i højre side og strikker mod venstre, de små snoninger strikkes fra retsiden og på pinden tilbage (næste pind i diagrammet) strikkes de modsat, så det bliver til vrang på retsiden :)
04.04.2024 - 15:31Helle Nielsen wrote:
Når jeg er klar til at dele bærestykket og skal tage masker af til forstykke. Skal jeg tage 8 masker ud fordelt over 74 masker. Det har jeg gjort og skal så ende med 89 masker, det regnestykke kan jeg ikke få til at passe. Jeg skal strikke første p. I a3 og det er en glat uden udt. Er der noget. Jeg overser?
24.03.2024 - 11:46DROPS Design answered:
Hej Helle, jeg kan ikke finde de 89 masker du beskriver... Hvilken størrelse strikker du og hvor er du i opskriften?
03.04.2024 - 15:05Trine Haugen wrote:
Når jeg er ferdig med a1 skal jeg strikke a.2a skal jeg strikke det sammen med a.2b eller bare a.2a ut pinnen?
15.03.2024 - 12:55DROPS Design answered:
Hej Trine, ja du gentager A.2A det antal gange som passer til din størrelse og så afslutter du omgangen med A.2B inden kantmaskerne :)
19.03.2024 - 12:19
Avalanche Cardigan |
Knitted jacket in DROPS BabyMerino. The piece is worked top down with double neck, round yoke, relief-pattern and split in sides. Sizes S - XXXL.
DROPS 243-7 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- GARTER STITCH (worked back and forth): Knit all rows. 1 ridge = knit 2 rows. ELEVATION (back of neck): To make the back of the neck slightly higher on a round yoke, you can work an elevation as described here. Skip this section if you do not want an elevation. Insert 1 marker in the middle stitch on the row. Start from the right side and knit 16-17-18-19-20-21 stitches past the marker-stitch, turn, tighten strand and purl 33-35-37-39-41-43 stitches back. Turn, tighten strand and knit 49-52-55-58-61-64 stitches, turn, tighten strand and purl 65-69-73-77-81-85 stitches back. Turn, tighten strand and knit 81-86-91-96-101-106 stitches, turn, tighten strand and purl 97-103-109-115-121-127 stitches. Turn, tighten strand, knit 1 row then purl 1 row (with the bands worked in garter stitch). Now work the yoke as described in the text. PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.3. The diagrams show all rows in the pattern from the right side. Choose diagram for your size (applies to A.2). INCREASE TIP (evenly spaced): Increase 1 stitch by making 1 yarn over which is worked twisted on the next row/round to avoid a hole. DECREASE TIP (for sleeves): Decrease 1 stitch on each side of the marker-thread as follows: Work until there are 3 stitches left before the marker-thread, knit 2 together, knit 2 (marker-thread sits between these 2 stitches), slip 1 stitch knit-wise, knit 1 and pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch. BUTTONHOLES: Work buttonholes on the right band (when the garment is worn). Work from the right side when there are 4 stitches left on the row as follows: Make 1 yarn over, knit 2 together and knit 2. On the next row (wrong side), knit the yarn over to leave a hole. The first buttonhole is worked on the first knitted row after the neck, the other 5-5-5-6-6-6 buttonholes with approx. 7½-8-8½-7½-7½-8 cm = 2⅞"-3⅛"-3¼"-2⅞"-2⅞"-3⅛" between each one. ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- JACKET – SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE. The neck and yoke are worked back and forth with circular needle, from mid front and top down. You can work an elevation at the back of the neck if you wish. The yoke is divided for body and sleeves and the body continued back and forth with circular needle. The sleeves are worked in the round with short circular needle/double pointed needles, top down. DOUBLE NECK: Cast on 137-143-147-153-159-169 stitches with DROPS Baby Merino, using short circular needles size 2.5 and 3 MM = US 2.5 held together. Remove the needle size 3 MM = US 2.5 keeping stitches on needle size 2.5 MM = US 1.5 (this gives you an elastic cast-on edge). Work as follows from the right side: 1 GARTER STITCH – read description above, * knit 1, purl 1 *, work from *-* until there are 2 stitches left on the row, knit 1 and 1 garter stitch. Continue this rib back and forth for 4-4-4-5-5-5 cm = 1½"-1½"-1½"-2"-2"-2". Cast on 6 stitches for the bands at the end of the next 2 rows = 149-155-159-165-171-181 stitches. Continue the rib but with 7 band stitches in garter stitch on each side. When the rib measures 8-8-8-10-10-10 cm = 3⅛"-3⅛"-3⅛"-4"-4"-4" and the next row is from the right side, fold the neck double to the inside and work as follows: 7 band stitches in garter stitch, continue the rib but working every 4th stitch together with its corresponding stitch on the cast-on edge, until there are 7 stitches left, 7 band stitches in garter stitch. You now have a double neck. YOKE: Switch to circular needle size 3 MM = US 2.5. Work the first row as follows from the wrong side: 7 band stitches in garter stitch, purl until there are 7 stitches left and increase 34-36-36-38-40-42 stitches evenly over these stitches – read INCREASE TIP = 183-191-195-203-211-223 stitches. Insert 1 marker after the band at the beginning of the row – it will be used to measure the yoke. You can now work an ELEVATION in the back of the neck – read description above. Continue with the next section if you do not want an elevation. Work stockinette stitch back and forth with 7 band stitches in garter stitch on each side – remember the BUTTONHOLES on the right band – read description above. REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE! When the yoke measures 3-4-6-2-3-4 cm = 1⅛"-1½"-2⅜"-¾"-1⅛"-1½" from the marker, increase 39-39-43-39-39-41 stitches evenly spaced – remember INCREASE TIP (do not increase over the bands) = 222-230-238-242-250-264 stitches. The increases on the relief-pattern are finished in sizes S, M and L. SIZES XL, XXL and XXXL: When the yoke measures 4-6-8 cm = 1½"-2⅜"-3⅛" from the marker, increase 36-36-38 stitches evenly spaced (do not increase over the bands) = 278-286-302 stitches. ALL SIZES: = 222-230-238-278-286-302 stitches. Continue with stockinette stitch and 7 band stitches in garter stitch on each side until the yoke measures 4-5-7-5-7-9 cm = 1½"-2"-2¾"-2"-2¾"-3½" from the marker. Work as follows from the right side: 7 band stitches in garter stitch, work A.1 26-27-28-33-34-36 times and 7 band stitches in garter stitch. Continue this pattern. AT THE SAME TIME on each row marked with an arrow in A.1, increase as follows (do not increase over the bands): Arrow-1: Increase 40-48-56-40-48-56 stitches evenly spaced = 262-278-294-318-334-358 stitches. Arrow-2: Increase 48-44-52-42-54-58 stitches evenly spaced = 310-322-346-360-388-416 stitches. When A.1 is finished, the yoke measures approx. 10-11-13-11-13-15 cm = 4"-4⅜"-5⅛"-4⅜"-5⅛"-6" from the marker. Work as follows from the right side: 7 band stitches in garter stitch, work A.2A 24-25-27-24-26-28 times, A.2B, 7 band stitches in garter stitch. Continue this pattern according to the diagrams. When you reach the row marked with arrow-3 there are 410-426-458-510-550-590 stitches. Work this row and increase 1-7-11-3-10-3 stitches evenly spread = 411-433-469-513-560-593 stitches. When A.2 is finished, the yoke measures approx. 21-22-24-26-28-30 cm = 8¼"-8¾"-9½"-10¼"-11"-11¾" from the marker. Now divide for the body and sleeves as follows: Work 7 band stitches in garter stitch, work the first row in A.3 over the next 59-64-69-74-82-90 stitches and increase 6-7-7-8-8-9 stitches evenly over these stitches (= 72-78-83-89-97-106 stitches on the front piece), place the next 80-80-89-100-109-109 stitches on 1 thread for the sleeve, cast on 8-8-10-10-12-12 stitches under the sleeve, work the first row in A.3 over the next 119-131-139-151-164-181 stitches and increase 11-11-13-13-16-17 stitches evenly over these stitches (= 130-142-152-164-180-198 stitches on the back piece), place the next 80-80-89-100-109-109 stitches on 1 thread for the sleeve, cast on 8-8-10-10-12-12 stitches under the sleeve, work the first row in A.3 over the next 59-64-69-74-82-90 stitches and increase 6-7-7-8-8-9 stitches evenly over these stitches, 7 band stitches in garter stitch (= 72-78-83-89-97-106 stitches on the front piece). The body and sleeves are finished separately. The piece is now measured from here! BODY: = 290-314-338-362-398-434 stitches. Work as follows from the wrong side: 7 band stitches in garter stitch, work A.3 23-25-27-29-32-35 times, 7 band stitches in garter stitch. Continue this pattern. When A.3 is finished there are 267-289-311-333-366-399 stitches. Insert 2 marker-threads, each 70-75-81-86-95-103 stitches in from each side (= 127-139-149-161-176-193 stitches between the marker-threads on the back piece). Allow them to follow your work onwards; they are used when working the split in each side. Continue with stockinette stitch and 7 band stitches in garter stitch on each side. When the body measures 16-17-17-17-17-17 cm = 6¼"-6¾"-6¾"-6¾"-6¾"-6¾" from the division and the next row is from the right side, divide at both marker threads and finish the front and back pieces separately. LEFT FRONT PIECE: Place the 70-75-81-86-95-103 stitches for the left front piece on circular needle size 2.5 MM = US 1.5. Knit 1 row from the right side and increase 23-26-26-31-32-36 stitches evenly spaced (do not increase over the band) = 93-101-107-117-127-139 stitches. Work as follows from the wrong side: 3 stitches in garter stitch, * purl 1, knit 1 *, work from *-* until there are 8 stitches left, purl 1 and 7 band stitches in garter stitch. Continue this rib for 8 cm = 3⅛". Bind off – you can use Italian bind-off. The jacket measures approx. 50-52-54-56-58-60 cm = 19¾"-20½"-21¼"-22"-22¾"-23⅝" from the shoulder. RIGHT FRONT PIECE: Place the 70-75-81-86-95-103 stitches for the right front piece on circular needle size 2.5 MM = US 1.5. Knit 1 row from the right side and increase 23-26-26-31-32-36 stitches evenly spaced (do not increase over the band) = 93-101-107-117-127-139 stitches. Work as follows from the wrong side: 7 band stitches in garter stitch, * purl 1, knit 1 *, work from *-* until there are 4 stitches left, purl 1 and 3 stitches in garter stitch. Continue this rib for 8 cm = 3⅛". Bind off in the same way as on the left front piece. BACK PIECE: Place the 127-139-149-161-176-193 m stitches for the back piece on circular needle size 2.5 MM = US 1.5. Knit 1 row from the right side and increase 46-48-52-58-65-70 stitches evenly spaced = 173-187-201-219-241-263 stitches. Work as follows from the wrong side: 3 stitches in garter stitch, * purl 1, knit 1 *, work from *-* until there are 4 stitches left, purl 1 and 3 stitches in garter stitch. Continue this rib for 8 cm = 3⅛". Bind off in the same way as on the front pieces. SLEEVES: Start mid-under one sleeve, use short circular needle or double pointed needles size 3 MM = US 2.5 and knit up 1 stitch in each of the last 4-4-5-5-6-6 cast-on stitches, place the 80-80-89-100-109-109 stitches from the thread on short circular/double pointed needles size 3 MM = US 2.5, work the first row in A.3 and increase 8-8-9-10-11-11 stitches evenly, knit up 1 stitch in each of the first 4-4-5-5-6-6 cast-on stitches = 96-96-108-120-132-132 stitches. Work sleeve worked in the round. Insert 1 marker-thread at the beginning of the round (in the middle of the 8-8-10-10-12-12 new stitches under the sleeve) – allow the thread to follow your work onwards; it is used when decreasing under the sleeve. Work A.3 8-8-9-10-11-11 times on the round. When A.3 is finished, 1 stitch has been decreased in each repeat (8-8-9-10-11-11 decreased stitches). Continue with stockinette stitch. AT THE SAME TIME, when the sleeve measures 2 cm = ¾", decrease 1 stitch on each side of the marker – read DECREASE TIP. Decrease like this every 2nd round a total of 2-0-3-7-10-10 times, then every 4th round 6-6-8-8-8-8 times = 72-76-77-80-85-85 stitches. Continue working until the sleeve measures 36-35-34-32-31-29 cm = 14¼"-13¾"-13⅜"-12½"-12¼"-11⅜" from the division (or to desired length. There is approx. 8 cm = 3⅛"). Knit 1 round and increase 26-26-29-30-31-31 stitches evenly spaced = 98-102-106-110-116-116 stitches. Change to double pointed needles size 2.5 MM = US 1.5 and work rib (knit 1, purl 1) for 8 cm = 3⅛". Bind off in the same way as on the body. Work the other sleeve in the same way. ASSEMBLY: Sew together the openings on the bands with small stitches. Sew the buttons onto the left band. |
Diagram explanations |
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