The Long Striped Crochet Scarf Pattern

The Long Striped Crochet Scarf Pattern (images and text for personal use only)

Materials Needed:
Yarn: K+C Essential Cotton Yarn Colorway Yarn 1 – White Sands and Colorway Yarn 2 – Zion. There are other yarn colorways available at JoAnn.
Tapestry needle to weave in ends
Gauge: 5.5 stitches/inch in crochet moss stitch pattern. The scarf can be modified for any preferred width or length so gauge not really that important. The Long Striped Crochet Scarf is about 6.5 inches wide and 87.5 inches long.
Crochet hook: US size G-6 or 4.0 mm
Skill Level: Beginner – know how to slip stitch crochet, single crochet, chain 1 and chain 2
[…]: pattern repeat

With Size G-6 (4.0 mm) crochet hook, chain 32 stitches (video tutorial on how to make a crochet chain) with Colorway Yarn 1 (White Sands).

  • Row 1 (RS): With Colorway Yarn 1 – Single crochet into the 4th chain stitch from the hook, chain 1, [skip one stitch, single crochet into the next chain stitch, chain 1] repeat […] till the last chain stitch with the slip knot, single crochet in the last stitch, chain 2 and turn (15 single crochets in the row with chain ones)
  • Row 2 (WS): With Colorway Yarn 1 – Single crochet in the chain 1 space, chain 1, [single crochet in the next chain 1 space, chain 1] repeat […] till the last stitch, single crochet in the last stitch, attach Colorway Yarn 2 and pull that loop through the single crochet, chain 2 and turn. 
  • Row 3: With Colorway Yarn 2 – Single crochet in the chain 1 space, chain 1, [single crochet in the next chain 1 space, chain 1] repeat […] till the last stitch, single crochet in the last stitch, chain 2 and turn.
  • Row 4: With Colorway Yarn 2 – Single crochet in the chain 1 space, chain 1, [single crochet in the next chain 1 space, chain 1] repeat […] till the last stitch, single crochet in the last stitch, pull through the Colorway Yarn 1 loop through the single crochet, chain 2 with Colorway Yarn 1 and turn. 
  • Row 5: With Colorway Yarn 1 – Single crochet in the chain 1 space, chain 1, [single crochet in the next chain 1 space, chain 1] repeat […] till the last stitch, single crochet in the last stitch, chain 2 and turn.
  • Row 6: With Colorway Yarn 1 – Single crochet in the chain 1 space, chain 1, [single crochet in the next chain 1 space, chain 1] repeat […] till the last stitch, single crochet in the last stitch, pull through the Colorway Yarn 2 loop through the single crochet, chain 2 with Colorway Yarn 2 and turn. 

Repeat Rows 3 to 6, seventy-eight more times (increase or decrease the number of repeats for preferred length)

  • With Colorway Yarn 2 – Repeat Rows 3 and 4 once more
  • Break and secure Colorway Yarn 2
  • With Colorway Yarn 1 – Repeat Row 5 once
  • Last Row: With Colorway Yarn 1 – Single crochet in the chain 1 space, chain 1, [single crochet in the next chain 1 space, chain 1] repeat […] till the last stitch, single crochet in the last stitch, and pull through the Colorway Yarn 1 loop through the single crochet and break yarn.

Scarf Border:

Round 1 (Crochet Moss Stitch):

  • With G-6 (4.0 mm) crochet hook and Colorway Yarn 1, make a slip knot (watch video tutorial) and bring it under and through the chain 2 space of the last stitch on the front top left side corner of the scarf, chain 2, single crochet into the same corner stitch once more and chain one. Turn in counter clockwise direction (see image below)


  • [Single crochet, chain 1, skip the next stitch], and repeat […] all down the front left side of the scarf till the last corner stitch
  • Single crochet in the corner stitch, chain 2, single crochet, chain one all in the same corner stitch, turn in counter clockwise direction
  • [Single crochet, chain 1 in the next stitch of the foundation crochet chain edge, skip the next stitch], repeat […] all along the foundation crochet chain edge till the last corner stitch
  • Single crochet in the corner stitch, chain 2, single crochet, chain one all in the same corner stitch, turn in counter clockwise direction
  • [Single crochet, chain 1, skip the next stitch], and repeat […] up all along the front right side of the scarf till the last corner stitch
  • Single crochet in the corner stitch, chain 2, single crochet, chain one all in the same corner stitch, turn in counter clockwise direction
  • [Single crochet, chain 1, skip the next stitch], and repeat […] all along the last row of the scarf till the chain 2 space of the beginning of the round 

Round 2 (Slip stitch, chain 1):

  1. In the corner stitch chain 2 space of the beginning of round, [slip stitch in the chain 2 space, chain 1], repeat […] once more . Turn in counter clockwise direction
  2. [In the chain 1 space of the crochet moss stitch, slip one, chain one], repeat […] all down the front left side of the scarf
  3. At the corner stitch, [slip one, chain one] twice in the chain 2 space of the crochet moss stitch. Turn in counter clockwise direction
  4. Repeat step 2 all along the foundation crochet chain edge of the scarf
  5. At the corner stitch, [slip one, chain one] twice in the chain 2 space of the crochet moss stitch, turn in counter clockwise direction
  6. Repeat step 2 up all along the front right side of the scarf
  7. At the corner stitch, [slip one, chain one] twice in the chain 2 space of the crochet moss stitch, turn in counter clockwise direction
  8. Repeat step 2 all along the last row of the scarf
  9. At the beginning of round corner, slip stitch into the chain 2 space and pull yarn through

Weave in the ends, wash and block the Long Striped Scarf


Tutorial Series: How to Crochet Chain

The slip knot (How to Slip Knot) in crochet is the fist loop of a foundation chain. After the slip knot loop, the first foundation chain stitch can be made. A foundation chain is the basis for the beginning a crochet project. The video and written instructions below show how to make a crochet foundation chain for right handed crocheting.

How to Crochet Chain: Slip knot and Chain 10

Written Instructions for How to Crochet Chain:

  1. Make a slip knot (How to Slip Knot) and insert the crochet hook into the loop
  2. Take the crochet hook under and around the working yarn counter clockwise (see image below)


  3. Wrap the working yarn around the hook


  4. Catch and pull the wrapped working yarn through the loop on the crochet hook (chain 1)


  5. Repeat Steps 2 to 4 of pulling the working yarn through the loop on the crochet hook maintaining even tension till the required number for the foundation chain of a crochet project has been reached



The Brick and Mortar Dishcloth Pattern

The Brick and Mortar Dishcloth is knit using the mosaic colorwork technique with slip stitches and two different colors of yarn. In mosaic knitting only one color of yarn is needed per row. The mosaic pattern in the Bricks and Mortar Dishcloth is formed with garter slip stitches and by switching the two different colors of yarn back and forth every two rows. The Brick and Mortar Dishcloth is knit flat and measures about 7.5 x 7.5 inches after washing. The dishcloth is finished with a round of crochet moss stitch and a round of slip stitch, chain one border edge with a hanging loop.

The Brick and Mortar Dishcloth Pattern (text and images for personal use only)

Materials Needed:
Yarn: Premier Home Cotton® Cone yarn in Jelly Dots (Colorway 1) and Lily Sugar’n Cream yarn in Country Red (Colorway 2) 
Tapestry needle to weave in ends
Gauge: 4.5 stitches per inch in garter stitch pattern
Knitting Needles: US #7 (4.5 mm) for knitting the dishcloth and US#8 (5.0 mm) for cast on.
Crochet hook: US size G-6 or 4.0 mm for the border edge

Knitting Skill Level: Advanced beginner to Intermediate level with  2 color mosaic knitting and slip stitches
Crochet Skill Level: Basic level with single crochet, chain one, and slip stitch 


  • K: Knit
  • P: Purl
  • wyib S1: with yarn held back slip one stitch purlwise
  • pm: place marker
  • sm: slip marker
  • wyif S1: with yarn in front slip one stitch purlwise
  • RS: right side
  • WS: wrong side
  • sc: single crochet
  • […]: stitch pattern repeats

Cast on:

With US #8 knitting needles and Colorway 1 yarn, cast on 32 stitches using the thumb or any other long tail cast on method of choice

Dishcloth Stitch Pattern:

With US #7 knitting needles, knit the following:

  • Row 1 (RS): With Colorway 1 yarn – K1, pm, knit to 1 stitch before last, pm, wyif S1
  • Row 2 (WS): K1, sm, knit to marker, sm, wyif S1
  • Row 3: With Colorway 2 yarn – K1, sm, K4, [wyib S1 purlwise, K5], repeat […] three more times, wyib S1 purlwise, K1, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 4: K1, sm, K1, [wyif S1 purlwise, bring yarn to the back, K5], repeat […] three more times, wyif S1 purlwise, yarn back, K4, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 5: With Colorway 1 yarn – K1, sm, knit to marker, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 6: K1, sm, K1, [P1, K5], repeat […] three more times, K4, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 7: With Colorway 2 yarn – K1, sm, K1, [wyib S1 purlwise, K5], repeat […] three more times, wyib S1 purlwise, K4, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 8: K1, sm, K4, [wyif S1 purlwise, bring yarn to the back, K5], repeat […] three more times, wyif S1 purlwise, yarn back, K1, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 9: With Colorway 1 yarn – K1, sm, knit to marker, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 10: K1, sm, K4, [P1, K5], repeat […] three more times, K1, sm, wyif S1 purlwise

Repeat Rows 3 – 10, six more times
Break Colorway 2 yarn and secure the yarn tail to Colorway 1 yarn

Bind Off:

Bind off Row 1 (RS): Colorway 1 yarn, K1, sm, knit to marker, sm, wyif S1
Bind off Row 2 (WS): With US #8 knitting needles, bind off purlwise removing the markers

Dishcloth Border Edge (see image below):

Round 1 (Crochet Moss Stitch):

  1. With G-6 (4.0 mm) crochet hook and Colorway 2 yarn, make a slip knot (watch video tutorial) and bring it under and through the V of the last stitch of Bind off Row 1 (RS), chain 2, sc, chain 1 in the same stitch. Turn in counter clockwise direction (see image below)
  2. [Sc in the slipped row edge stitch, chain 1, skip the next stitch], and repeat […] all along the front left side of the dishcloth till the last corner stitch
  3. Sc in the corner stitch, chain 2, sc chain one all in the same corner stitch, turn in counter clockwise direction
  4. [Sc, chain 1 in the next stitch of the cast on edge, skip the next stitch], repeat […] all along the cast on edge till the last corner stitch
  5. Repeat step 3 at the corner stitch
  6. Repeat step 4 going up along the front right side of the dishcloth
  7. Repeat step 3 at the corner stitch. 
  8. Repeat step 4 all along the bind off edge of the dishcloth till the stitch at beginning of round 

Round 2 (Slip stitch, chain 1):

  1. In the corner stitch chain 2 space, [slip stitch in the chain 2 space, chain 1], repeat […] once more . Turn in counter clockwise direction
  2. [In the chain 1 space of the crochet moss stitch, slip one, chain one], repeat […] all along the front left side of the dishcloth
  3. At the corner stitch, [slip one, chain one] twice in the chain 2 space of the crochet moss stitch. Turn in counter clockwise direction
  4. Repeat step 2 all along the front cast on edge of the dishcloth
  5. At the corner stitch, [slip one, chain one] twice in the chain 2 space of the crochet moss stitch, turn in counter clockwise direction
  6. Repeat step 2 all along the front right side of the dishcloth
  7. At the corner stitch, [slip one, chain one] twice in the chain 2 space of the crochet moss stitch, turn in counter clockwise direction
  8. Repeat step 2 all along the bind off edge till the last stitch in that row.
  9. Chain 10 for the hanging loop 
  10. Slip stitch into the chain 2 space of the crochet moss stitch corner edge and pull yarn through


Break Colorway 1 yarn and weave in the ends
Wash and block the Brick and Mortar Dishcloth

Tutorial Series: How To Slip Knot

Cast on for knitting or a foundation chain for crochet all start with a slip knot. The first stitch in knitting is the slip knot. The slip knot in crochet is the loop for the first foundation chain. Therefore, how to make a slip knot is the first step in learning how to knit or crochet. There are many ways to make a slip knot. How to slip knot differs for knitters and crocheters. The video below shows how I make a slip knot to start a crochet foundation chain.

How to Slip Knot (slow motion):

Written Instructions for How to Slip Knot:

  • Wrap the yarn around index and middle finger of the left hand going from top to bottom (clockwise)
  • Bring the yarn across and between the two fingers
  • With the right hand, bring the strand of yarn in and through the ring formed by the wrapped yarn
  • Pull and tighten the ring holding the strand of yarn to form the slip knot
  • Insert a crochet hook into the slip knot and tighten it around the hook

The Patchwork Petal Scarf Pattern

Although early Spring flowers have appeared and so have the birds, winter has not yet left us. Below freezing temperatures and cold winter air still lingers. Nevertheless, I will make items with Spring weather in mind. The Patchwork Petal Scarf uses cotton yarn more suitable for pleasant weather. It’s made up of eight center out crochet moss stitch squares which are then joined using the zig zag slip stitch crochet join method. Two rounds of crochet moss stitch are used for the border edge of the joined squares. Fringes are added to the Patchwork Petal Scarf.


The Patchwork Petal Scarf Pattern (text and images for personal use only)

Materials Needed:

Yarn: YarnspirationsTM Caron Cotton Funnel Cakes yarn in the Rose Petal and Primrose colorways. The yarn may not be currently available. I got this yarn at Michaels a few years ago. Any other worsted cotton yarn can be used for this project
Tapestry needle to weave in ends
Gauge: Not really needed since the center out crochet moss stitch squares can be customized to any size.
Crochet hook: US size H-8 or 5.0 mm for the crochet moss stitch squares
sc: single crochet
[…]: pattern repeat

Eight Center Out Crochet Moss Stitch Squares:

  • A crochet moss stitch square starts with a crochet magic ring using the Rose Petal yarn colorway and US H-8 crochet hook (a step by step photo tutorial on how to make a crochet magic ring can be found in the pattern post for The Summertime Market Bag)
  • In a crochet magic ring, pull up a stitch with the US H-8 (5.0 mm) crochet hook, sc once into the ring, chain 2, place marker, sc into the ring, chain 2, place marker, sc into the ring, chain 2, place marker, sc into the ring, chain 2, place marker, and sc. Pull on the yarn tail to tighten the gap
  • Round 1: Insert the crochet hook into the chain 2 space of the first marker and sc, chain 2, sc, chain 1 all in the same chain 2 space. Remove the first marker and place it as the beginning of the round marker. [Insert hook and sc, chain 2, sc, chain 1 into the chain 2 space of the second marker. Remove second marker]. Repeat […] this for the third and fourth marker in their chain 2 space
  • Round 2: [Sc, chain 2, sc, chain 1 all in the same chain 2 space of the first corner with the beginning of the round marker. Sc in the next chain 1 space between the first and second corner, chain 1]. Repeat […] for the second, third and fourth corners till the beginning of the first marker
  • Repeat the Round 2 till preferred size is reached ending with a sc in the chain 2 space at the beginning of the round. For the Patchwork Petal Scarf, Round 2 was repeated eleven more times.

Cut the working yarn and pull through the sc stitch.

Make seven more of the center out crochet moss stitch squares.

Joining the Eight Squares:
With Primrose yarn colorway and H-8 (5.0 mm) crochet hook, join the squares together using the zig zag slip stitch crochet method. 


The video below shows the zig zag crochet join method used for the Four Section Blanket Pattern

Two Rounds of Crochet Moss Stitch Border Edging:

With H-8 (5.0 mm) crochet hook and the Primrose yarn colorway –

  1. Insert hook with slip knot into the chain 2 space at one corner edge of the joined squares (beginning of the round), chain 2, insert again into the same corner edge stitch and sc, chain 1
  2. [Go into the chain 1 space of the next stitch, sc, chain 1], repeat […] till the next corner edge stitch
  3. At the next corner edge chain 2 space, sc, chain 2, sc, chain 1
  4. [Go into the chain 1 space of the next stitch, sc, chain 1], repeat […] till the next corner edge stitch
  5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4, two more times
  6. Insert hook into the chain 2 space at the beginning of the round corner edge, chain 2, sc, chain 1 into the same beginning of round corner edge chain 2 space
  7. Repeat Steps 2 to 5 once more ending at the beginning of round corner edge chain 2 space
  8. Sc and cut the working yarn (about 6 inches)
  9. Pull through the sc stitch
  10. Weave in the ends, wash and block the Patchwork Petal Scarf


Adding Fringes (Optional):

Fringes were made with two strands (about 10 to 15 inches long) of Primrose yarn colorway. There are several helpful video tutorials on YouTube on how to add fringes. For the Patchwork Petal Scarf, sixteen fringes were added to each of two ends.


Trim the fringes to preferred length
