You may create items for both personal and business uses. The only thing I ask is that you not claim it as your own pattern. Thanks.

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Material list:

Caron’s Simply Soft size 4 knitted worsted Any color. I used Autumn Red,

Plastic shot glasses from the Dollar Tree. (24 for $1)

Size 4 (3.5mm) knitting needles (I used a set of  double pointed needles, that way I had two to knit with and an extra to use for a cable needle).

If you prefer to knit this in the round with no seam, cast on 30 and each row starts and ends with a p1.

Cable stitch

Cable 2 to back (put 2 stitches on a cable needle, hold to the back of the work, knit the next two stitches on the left needle, then knit the two stitches on the cable needle)

Cast on 32 stitches

Row 1-2 Knit 2 rows.

Row 3 (front of pattern) p2, cable2 to back, p2 across ending with p2 stitch

Row 4 (back of pattern) p in purls and k in knits

Row 5 (front of pattern) k in knits and p in purls

Row 6 (back of pattern) p in purls and k in knits

Repeat row 2- 6 (2 times)

Next row  k2 tog (15 stitches)

Last row p2 tog 7 times p 1 (8 stitches)

Cut thread leaving a long strand. Weave the thread though the stitches and pull tight to close the top.

Sew the seam closed along the edge. Place cover on plastic shot glass. Lace a piece of yarn along the bottom and pull snug so it holds the bell cover in place.

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