How To Make The Polar Fur Cowl In 1 Hour – Free Knitting Pattern

Ready to make a super impressive (and luxurious) knit accessory in just one hour? Grab your faux fur yarn, and let’s knit!

The Polar Fur Cowl is an incredibly soft cowl that is also extremely easy and quick to make. It clocks in at under one hour from start to finish. There aren’t many knitting projects that are both this quick AND luxurious.

Keep reading for the list of materials you’ll need and the step-by-step instructions for your own Polar Fur Cowl, a free knitting pattern from Knit Julep.

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The Polar Fur Cowl Knitting Pattern

The inspiration for the Polar Fur Cowl came from trial and error of knitting a faux fur cowl a few different ways. I first knit a similar cowl in garter stitch and seamed the ends together. It worked, but the cowl didn’t have the soft drape I wanted out of a luxury accessory. The garter stitch rows were keeping it too stiff. So I landed on traditional stockinette stitch, and I’m in love with the results!

Faux Fur Yarn

The Polar Fur Cowl is made with Go For Faux Thick & Quick by Lion Brand Yarn. The yarn is constructed of three strands of regular Go For Faux and calls for Size 19 (35mm) needles, so it works up really fast. Without large needles and yarn, there’s no way a cowl of this size could be made in under one hour. But with these, it’s completely doable!

Another benefit of working with such large needles is you’ll be able to see your stitches easier, which can sometimes be a challenge when working with faux fur yarn. This Thick & Quick version of Go For Faux makes it much easier to see your stitches than when working with the skinnier, regular size Go For Faux. And in this pattern, you only need to be able to tell the difference in the front versus back of your knitted stockinette piece.

Here’s how to tell the difference between a knit and purl side with faux fur yarn:

  • The knit side has a slight vertical grain to it from the ‘v’ shapes of the knit stitches. It’s not very obvious, but you can tell a difference when you compare it to the purl side below. A fun trick of the eye to see it even clearer is to scroll this page back and forth from one picture to the next. You’ll start to see the vertical lines of the knit side, and the purl side will not seem to scroll as smoothly.
  • The purl side has a slight horizontal grain from all the purl bumps. It’s much less prominent than the knit side’s vertical grain, but it does look different if you compare the two pictures.

I hope you enjoy making your own Polar Fur Cowl with the step-by-step instructions below. It’s a quick, luxurious knit to make for yourself or a really impressive gift for a loved one. They’ll never know you only spent one hour making it!

If you make this free cowl pattern, please share on Instagram with the hashtag #PolarFurCowl and tag me @KnitJulep. I’ll try to share each of your projects!

And now, the pattern instructions for my free 1-hour knitting pattern, the Polar Fur Cowl.

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Polar Fur Cowl Knitting Pattern

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What You’ll Need


  • Gauge: 4×4” (10x10cm) = 5 sts x 6 rows in stockinette stitch
  • Size: One size, 25” (64cm) around x 16” (41cm) tall


Ready? Let’s Go!

Using Size 19 (35mm) needles, cast on 15 stitches. 

Round 1: Purl

Round 2: Knit

Repeat rounds 1 and 2 until piece measures approximately 25” when measured flat from cast on edge. End with a Purl row. Bind off. Leave tail approximately 40” long for seaming.

Fold piece so cast on edge (A in picture below) meets bind off edge (B) with knit side facing out. (Refer to the Faux Fur Yarn section above this pattern to help you see the difference between the knit and purl sides if you need help.)

Seam edges together with the long yarn tail, forming a tube. I recommend using your fingers instead of a tapestry needle for this. It doesn’t have to be perfect — this faux fur yarn is very forgiving, and mistakes blend in easily!

Weave in ends. 

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That’s it! This cowl knits up really fast, and shouldn’t take more than one hour for beginners.

If you make this cowl pattern, please share on Instagram with the hashtag #PolarFurCowl and tag me @KnitJulep. I’ll try to share each of your projects!

Happy knitting!
– Kim

This pattern and photographs of this item are the property of Knit Julep. This pattern is for personal, non-commercial use only. You may not sell this pattern under any circumstances. This site displays third party ads and contains affiliate links.

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