
“The Arctic Hat”

(A Cable Twist Hat Pattern)


Buttercream yarn in the color ‘Sage’ (I have also used Lions Brand Thick n Quick yarn, as well as Big Twist yarn for this pattern)

#15  16 in circular needles

Tapestry needle (for weaving through and tying-off)

-If making for a child I would use a #13 knitting needle. Skip row 6 which means that you will be working with 42 stitches.  I would also repeat the cable pattern 3 times instead of the 4 times that the adult pattern calls for. 


Knit stitch

Purl Stitch

Cable stitch: Place 2 stitches onto cable needle, hold front, knit the next 2 stitches, knit the stitches from the cable needle.


Cast On 42 stitches

Row 1: *K1, P1) across

Row 2-5: Repeat row 1 for 4 times. (this makes a 1X1 rib for the brim of the hat)

Row 6: * K6, m1*  (49 sts. total)  (if making for a child skip this row)

Row 7: *K4, P3*

Row 8: *K4, P3*

Row 9: *Cbl stitch, P3*

Row 10: *K4, P3*

Row 11: *K4, P3*

Row 12: *K4, P3*

Repeat Rows 9-12 (it’s a 4 row cable pattern) 4 more times. (If making for a child repeat 3 times.)


Cbl stitch, p3

*K4, P2tog, P*

*K2tog, K2, P2*

-Using your tapestry needle, weave ends through, pull, and tie off!

As a finishing touch I usually add a faux-fur pom pom or make a pom pom out of yarn with my Clover Pom-Pom Maker.


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